Trend Topics

We shape the mobility trends of tomorrow

Global megatrends are influencing and shaping the mobility of the future. We want to illustrate the currently most important mega trends in the automotive industry, e-mobility, autonomous driving, connectivity and sustainability, and show where and how LEONI is involved in detail.

Challenge & opportunity: mobility of tomorrow

Passenger and freight traffic is increasing worldwide. Environmental awareness is on the rise. Urbanization is progressing rapidly. Everything is on the move. Tomorrow's mobility must find an answer to all these challenges.

The solutions are just as diverse as the transportation concepts. Whether electric or autonomous driving, connectivity or sustainability: what the mobility trends have in common is that data and energy must be intelligently and efficiently connected and distributed: between the components in the vehicle, between the means of transport themselves and to external supply, infrastructure and control systems. LEONI's innovative cable and wiring systems ensure optimum connections.

"The requirements of the future wiring system are growing: more functionalities and complexity."

Walter Glück, Member of the Management Board (CTO Wiring Systems Division)